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Ron HockwaltAcademies

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Student Behavior

At Ron Hockwalt Academies students are expected to be responsible for their personal behavior. Students will respect the rights of all school community members; students who choose not to respect others or maintain self-control will be subject to school discipline, including possible suspension.

California Education Code 48900 lists behaviors and activities that students may not engage in. Please consult this list, which is included in your Registration Packet for specific incidents and details. Please note the “Furious Five.” These are the five violations of EC 48915 that mandate automatic suspension with recommendation for expulsion:

1. Possessing, selling, or furnishing a firearm
2. Brandishing a knife at another person
3. Unlawfully selling a controlled substance
4. Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault
5. Possession of an explosive

Appropriate Language

A hallmark of respect is appropriate language. Students are expected to use appropriate language while at school, both inside the classrooms and all common areas.
o Use of profanity is not permitted. Profanity toward a staff member may result in school suspension.

o All students are expected to use respectful language; no student shall taunt, bully, or harass any other student. Students may be suspended for harassing or intimidating other students.


Students are not to have cigarettes or other smoking products in their possession, nor may students smoke anywhere on or near the Ron Hockwalt campus. California Ed. Code states tobacco products are not allowed on any educational facility or any school function.

Tobacco in a student’s possession or use of tobacco on school premises or school sponsored events is a violation of state law and Walnut USD School Board Policy. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the GLC/Principal.

Cars and Parking

Students are expected to drive responsibly and observe proper driving procedures while in the Ron Hockwalt Academies’ parking lot. Students may park in the designated student parking area. A school parking permit is required. Students, remember to leave valuables at home, and to lock your car-you are responsible for any and all items left in your car!

o The parking lot area is off-limits during the school day.

o Students must obey seatbelt, speed, and rules of common courtesy, or face loss of school parking privilege.